Monday, June 14, 2021

Make it Easier to Achieve Your Fitness Goals

soda maker

Don’t like the taste of plain water? Drinkmate allows you to make it more flavorful. The Drinkmate countertop makes it easier to drink more water throughout the day so you’re getting the recommended amount.  

“I love that I can fizzy up just about any liquid.” 

Kat B.

Add a little sparkle to your life with a Drinkmate soda makerShop now!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

What Kinds of Drinks are Possible?

soda maker

The possibilities are endless! You can carbonate virtually anything with Drinkmate. Add some sparkle to your and your family’s' favorite juice or tea; or even to your favorite cocktail! You heard that right-- Sparkling Margaritas, Sparkling Wine, you name it!

“We used to buy a whole cart of fizzy water from the grocery store each visit; but, now we can make it at home very quickly and easily. Best of all, we aren't limited to just water which is where the fun experimentation comes in. The idea of carbonating anything is delicious, entertaining, and sometimes very funny.” 

David P.

Add a little sparkle to your life with a Drinkmate soda makerShop now!